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ID Cargopedia: (gizli)

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WESTLINE organises your loads by road throughout the whole Europe, Russia and Turkey. We transport mainly consumer goods, metal, aluminium, steel coils, paper, wood, chemical and goods for the automotive industries as well as oversized and heavy goods - heat exchangers, agricultural machines, machinery, power trafos, wind turbines, metalic construction, cooling systems. WESTLINE organises the transportation for multinational companies and participate in many different transportation projects. We offer a wide range of additional services to the transportation : - road survey - booking of private and police escort - procurement of permits - organisation of all measures for the steering of traffic, closing of streets, dismantling of road signes and traffic lights - clarification of export documents - cargo insurance

Şirket statüsü: Aktif

  • BPI listesinde yok (İflas Prosedürleri Bülteni)

Vergi kodu: RO45369793
Kayıt Numarası: J08/3604/2021

Şirket merkezi: STR...., B... R...

Şirketin yönetimindeki insanlar


  • Cojoc...


  • Cojoc... (? %)
Finansal veriler 2023*
Mali değerlendirme: 79%
The financial rating is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A low financial rating signals the risk that, in the absence of a loan, the company may enter into insolvency in the near future.
  • Cirosu: 202...
  • Kâr: 158...
  • Nakit ve banka: 108...
  • Toplam sermaye: 160...
  • Devlete borçlar: ? (gizli)
  • Kurucu sermaye: 200...
  • Ortalama çalışan sayısı: ? (gizli)

* Veriler 31.12.2023 tarihli mali bilançodan alınmıştır

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STR...., B... R...