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ID Cargopedia: (gizli)

Cargopedia de faaliyet
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Camion prelata - 3 vehicule, 1.5 to Camion duba - 1 vehicule, 1.5 to Camion+remorca prelate - 3 vehicule, 9 to Camion prelata - 1 vehicule, 3.5 to Semiremorca prelata - 4 vehicule, 22 to SC A.T.B. International Cargo SRL efectueaza transport de marfuri intern si international. Suntem o societate de transport infiintata in anul 2012. In acest moment detinem un depozit de 10 000 mp localizat in centrul tarii. Acest lucru faciliteaza distributia marfii in orice colt al tarii. Cu forta de munca a unei tinere echipe ne-am castigat respectul clientilor prin calitatea serviciilor oferite. Suntem gata sa va demonstram acest lucru!

Şirket statüsü: Aktif

  • Iflas riski:
    The risk of insolvency is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A higher risk of insolvency signals the possibility that, in the absence of a loan, the company may run out of cash in the near future.
  • Devlete borçlar: (gizli)

Yaradılış tarihi: (gizli)

Vergi kodu: RO30971099   Kayıt Numarası: J08/1886/2012

KDV mükellefi: EVET ((gizli) den)

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